The EarthCube Resource Registry (ECRR) is intended to provide immediate access to a list of EC capabilities to understand what EC is, and what it isn’t. To support this goal, the ECRR project has developed several persistent resources available for wider EarthCube use
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Format defined by the SAC software suite; supported by many other tools. The SAC data format includes waveform data, station identifier, starting time, and optionally an origin time for a seismic source; it is usually accompanied by separate metadata files in Poles and Zeros (SACPZ) format for instrumentation correction. Each signal is stored on disk in a separate SAC data file. These files contain a fixed length header section followed by one or two data sections. The header contains floating point, integer, logical, and character fields. Evenly spaced data files have only one data section which contains the dependent variable. Unevenly spaced data and spectral data files contain two data sections. For unevenly spaced data, the first data section contains the dependent variable and the second contains the independent variable. For spectral files the first component is either the amplitude or the real component and the second component is either the phase or imaginary component.
Create a community data portal that allows research scientists to discover where, when and in which organisms a protein/enzyme of interest occurs in the oceans through a bioinformatics analysis of large mass spectral libraries created from many oceanic samples.
UK Linked Open Data Register
This application level ontology is intended to provide the framework for answering questions like: 1. How can EarthCube help me? (Science Engagement), 2. If I had an EarthCube Workbench, what capabilities could I access through it? (Workbench) and 3. What EarthCube software components can I use to get my application working? (Developers). It extends the idea of an EarthCube Registry beyond data sets, to a generalized Registry of software components, semantic resources, tools, etc., with descriptive information to facilitate evaluation for reuse. test
This specification defines the URI Template syntax and the process for expanding a URI Template into a URI reference, along with guidelines for the use of URI Templates on the Internet. A URI Template is a compact sequence of characters for describing a range of Uniform Resource Identifiers through variable expansion. Scope is Strings for identifying web resources.
GeoTIFF is format extension for storing georeference and geocoding information in a TIFF 6.0 compliant raster file by tying a raster image to a known model space or map projection. A GeoTIFF file is a TIFF 6.0 file, and inherits the file structure as described in the corresponding portion of the TIFF spec. The GeoTIFF format uses a defined set of TIFF tags to describe cartographic information associated with TIFF imagery that originates from satellite imaging systems, scanned aerial photography, scanned maps, digital elevation models, or as a result of geographic analyses.
Matplotlib provides high quality 2D and 3D plotting for Python. Matplotlib can produce plots on screen using a variety of GUI toolkits, including Tk, PyGTK, PyQt4 and wxPython. It also provides a number of commands useful for scientific computing, all with a syntax compatible with that of the popular Matlab program. Functions include: Open files; define the shape of data (dimensions) in netCDF; Store multi-dimensional arrays of data; store metadata about data and files; manage hierarchical groups within netCDF datasets; define types for more complex data structures; Error Handling
File format description for meteorology, oceanography, and wave spectra data from buoys. Format last changed: September 1, 2006
The fdsnws-event web service returns event (earthquake) information from catalogs originating from the NEIC and the ISC data centers. Events may be selected based on location, time, catalog, contributor and internal identifiers. By default, events are retrieved from the NEIC PDE catalog for recent events and then the ISC catalog when it becomes available. These default results include only that catalog’s 'primary origin' and 'primary magnitude' for each event, they may optionally include all available magnitude estimates. By default results are returned as XML in QuakeML format (schema), but may also be requested in text formats.
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Collections | 0 |
Datasets | 274 |
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Users: | 1 |